Welcome to Kindergarten!

Boy and Girl are 5 years old

They are in separate schools this year.

August 2022

October 2022

Both children have chores and do them mostly without problem.

Girls behavior on the bus to Vickery Mill

Take note that three different people are giving GIRL points throughout the day.

Girl's behavior is 99% positive, consistantly, over the course of 5 months.

August 11, 2022

Do you remember when I said that after the teacher grabbed her arm in pre-K, it made it nearly impossible for me to take them to the doctor? See below. She retracts when an adult touches her.

It's only the first week of school. I'm so burned out from last year. My children and my children's sibling relationship is so damaged. Every time my phone rings and it's school, my heart races and my stomach drops and I wonder if my children are OK. They are OK every other place except school. The level of anxiety that a school phone call causes me is immediately perceptible every time. I want to get off the phone as quickly as possible. It's not supposed to be like this.